World Economic Forum in Davos 2023

January 23, 2023


What a week! Still not done processing all of it. Davos has never been so inspiring as this year.

The annual ritual. A flock of business managers dropped onto a small, snowy alpine skiing resort. Thousands of “important” people rushing from event to event, dressed in suits and heels in freezing temperatures, over slippery sidewalks, and armed with laptop bags and cell phones. Searching for funding, purpose, and confirmation.

But something was different this time. It was so visible: People truly connecting, discussing, organizing beyond the main stream business events.

My favorite hang-out: Equality Lounge. Situated in the heart of Davos town, it was the epicenter of a new vibe. Amazing panel discussions why the future is female. Beyond legacy stereotypes, overcoming toxicity, and designing an equal and invigorating future. As one of the female African entrepreneurs put it: “Change the public perception, from the poor crying child as the face of Africa to the empowered African woman founding her business and leading into the future.”

It was a homecoming to reunite with the faculty of futur/io Institute, a truly amazing community of like-minded and kind-hearted friends. A beautiful reception and proud announcement of our new book: “Before This Decade Is Out” around Regenerative Economies with partners from PwC, Lufthansa Cargo, GROW MY TREE, and more. The community is already too large to name all, but kudos go out to Harald, Luciana, Carolin, Bettina, Marc, Carsten, Nancy, Verena, Helmut, Stefan, Claas, Karel, and many more.

And beyond all the conversations with investors, business leaders, founders, metaverse visionaries, crypto geeks… one thing stood out: deep and unique connections with wonderful souls. The ones, who remind us of who we are: people. The ones, who provide the space for meditation, mental health, healing, indigenous culture and wisdom. The ones, who are seeking to build the bridge between the speed of technology & business on one side, and the inner values, relationships, and a sustainable future on the other.

This is a new era. Let’s get this future rolling!